The best camera for social media marketing…
What is the best camera for social media marketing? The one that’s in your hand… iPhones, Samsungs, all those phones have become so good these days that it has become a viable camera to use for business. However, if you are looking for something that has that...Da Vinci Resolve announced for iPad!
A very exciting announcements happened recently for content creators like myself: Da Vinci Resolve is coming to iPad! When I got my iPad there was this loose promise, a vague suggestion, from Apple that we would get a quality video editor. So I went and invested in...
How to make money on YouTube
As a South African, you’re probably of the opinion that YouTube is for European teenagers and American tech reviewers… and Ellen! And you’re definitely not thinking it’s a viable income stream. Well… (spoiler alert) it is. I am not...
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